FIRDS Analysis for February 2019

Published by: Malavika Solanki

There was a modest 4% increase in the number of OTC ISINs reported to FIRDS in February, reversing the slight dip seen last month. The increase occurred mostly in FX instruments and was driven by venue reporting of OTC reference data. There will be more data coming in the future to reflect requests received in response to the last publication on this topic – watch this space.

As with prior months, there is little reference data reporting for commodities in general, with OTFs continuing to dominate. A detailed breakdown for every DSB product reported to FIRDS (for reference data purposes) is set out below.

The product level reporting by MIC type is set out below.


As noted above, the list of MICs reporting to FIRDS was largely consistent, with no new MICs reporting to FIRDS in February 2019. The usual MIC level analysis is set out below.



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Published by Malavika Solanki This month’s statistics overview begins with…

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