The DSB filed its 2023 statutory accounts in June 2024 containing the independent auditor’s report conducted in accordance with FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK. To facilitate greater transparency, the Financial Statements include the audited analysis of profit and loss account and other comprehensive income segmented into ISIN Cost Recovery, Ancillary and UPI Cost Recovery activities. The segmented accounts highlight the significant investment by the DSB into the build of the UPI Service of €4.1M, which launched in October 2023.
The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €256K below the 2023 Estimated Total DSB Cost. This saving, together with an additional €733K of revenue above the 2023 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, will result in a total reduction of €989K of Excess Fee Income to be included in 2025 Estimated Total DSB Cost. The original 2023 Estimated Total DSB Cost, as published on the ANNA-DSB website was €11.55m - see ‘Fee Model Variables’.
⤓ DSB Statutory Accounts 2023
The DSB filed its 2022 statutory accounts in June 2023 containing the independent auditor’s report conducted in accordance with FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK. To facilitate greater transparency, the Financial Statements include the audited analysis of profit and loss account and other comprehensive income segmented into DSB Cost Recovery, DSB Commercial and DSB UPI activities. The segmented accounts highlight the significant investment by the DSB into the build of the forthcoming UPI Service of €3.4M in 2022.
The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €600K below the 2022 Estimated Total DSB Cost. This saving, together with an additional €118K of revenue above the 2022 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, will result in a total reduction of €718K of Excess Fee Income to be included in 2024 Estimated Total DSB Cost. The original 2022 Estimated Total DSB Cost, as published on the ANNA-DSB website was €9.46m - see ‘Fee Model Variables’.
⤓ DSB Statutory Accounts 2022
The DSB filed its 2021 statutory accounts in June 2022 containing the independent auditor’s report conducted in accordance with FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK. To facilitate greater transparency, the Financial Statements include the audited analysis of profit and loss account and other comprehensive income segmented into DSB Cost Recovery, DSB Commercial and DSB UPI activities. The segmented accounts highlight the significant investment by the DSB into the build of the forthcoming UPI Service of €3.6M in 2021.
The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €333K below the 2021 Estimated Total DSB Cost. This saving, together with an additional €471K of revenue above the 2021 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, will result in a total reduction of €804K of Excess Fee Income to be included in 2023 Estimated Total DSB Cost. The original 2021 Estimated Total DSB Cost, as published on the ANNA-DSB website was €10.49m - see ‘Fee Model Variables’.
⤓ DSB Statutory Accounts 2021
The DSB filed its 2020 statutory accounts in July 2021 containing the independent auditor’s report conducted in accordance with FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK. In order to facilitate greater transparency, the Financial Statements include analysis of statement of income and retained earnings separated into DSB Cost Recovery, DSB Commercial and, for the first time, DSB UPI activities.
The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €693K below the 2020 budget. This saving, together with an additional €424K of revenue above the 2020 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, will result in a total reduction of €1,117K of Excess Fee Income included in 2022 Estimated Total DSB Cost. The original 2020 Estimated Total DSB Cost, as published on the ANNA-DSB website was €10.16M - see ‘Fee Model Variables’.
⤓ DSB Statutory Accounts 2020
The DSB filed its 2019 statutory accounts in October 2020, containing the independent auditor’s report conducted in accordance with FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK. In order to facilitate greater transparency, the Financial Statements include analysis of statement of income and retained earnings separated into DSB Cost Recovery and DSB Commercial activities.
The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €168K below the 2019 budget. This saving, together with an additional €254K of revenue above the 2019 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, will result in a total reduction of €422K of Excess Fee Income included in 2021 Estimated Total DSB Cost. The original 2019 Estimated Total DSB Cost, as published on the ANNA-DSB website was €9.14M - see ‘Fee Model Variables’.
⤓ DSB Statutory Accounts 2019
On 13 June 2019, the DSB filed its 2018 statutory accounts containing the independent auditor’s report conducted in accordance with FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK. In order to facilitate greater transparency, the Financial Statements include analysis of statement of income and retained earnings separated in to DSB Cost Recovery and DSB Commercial activities.
The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €942K below the 2018 budget. This saving, together with an additional €166K of revenue above the 2018 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, will result in a total reduction of €1,108K to be applied against the 2020 Estimated Total DSB Cost. The original 2018 Estimated Total DSB Cost, as published on the ANNA-DSB website was €9.2M - see ‘Fee Model Variables’.
⤓ DSB Statutory Accounts 2018
On 31 October 2018, the DSB filed its 2017 statutory accounts containing the independent auditor’s report conducted in accordance with FRS 102 the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK. The accounts cover the period from DSB start-up to 31 December 2017 and include the DSB commercial services consisting of €273K revenue and €236K of costs.
The DSB’s focus on cost-efficiency resulted in operating expenditure of €263K below the 2017 DSB Cost recovery Budget. This saving, together with an additional €90K of DSB Cost Recovery revenue above the 2017 revenue expectations, due to increased take up of user agreements in Q4 2017, resulted in a cost recovery surplus of €353K. The surplus generated of €353K has been applied against the 2019 Estimated Total DSB Cost.
⤓ DSB Statutory Accounts 2017
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