OTC ISIN Fee Model Variables

DSB operates on a cost recovery basis where annual user fees recover the Total DSB Costs. Annual user fees are derived using a fee model calculation which comprises the variables Total DSB Cost, Number of Infrequent Users, Number of Standard Users, Search Only API Users and Number of Power Users fixed no later than the end of the first Working Day in December each year, as per the DSB Charges Policy.

Following user feedback in 2020, the fee model determination period has been brought forward to October to better align with users’ budgetary processes.

2025 Fee Model Variables:

The DSB currently provides access to OTC ISIN data to more than 600 organisations, across 33 jurisdictions of which 74% consume the data free of charge. Fee paying user numbers reflect a small reduction in Power Users and an increase in Search Only API and Infrequent users since October 2023, with 140 fee paying users as of 7 October 2024. 

The below Fee Model Variables table will be updated quarterly:

2025 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost

Fee VariableValues as at 7 Oct 2024*Values as at 31 Dec 2024
Estimated Total DSB Cost  €12.52m€12.52m
Number of Infrequent Users 4749
Number of Standard Users 1112
Number of Search Only API Users 1113
Number of Power Users 7174
Number of UAT Only Users 00

*Number of Users continuing with the DSB OTC ISIN service for the 2025 period.

Annual user fees recover the DSB overhead costs which include a 20% margin for financial sustainability. The 2025 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost reflects the normal and expected yearly adjustments, such as inflation. 

In accordance with the DSB Charges Policy, Excess Fee Income resulting from additional contracts as well as operating cost efficiencies, go to defraying the OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost for the contract year following the audited statutory accounts. Conversely, where the OTC ISIN Actual Total DSB Cost exceeds the OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost, creating a shortfall in cost recovery, this will be incorporated into the OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost for the year following the audited financial accounts.

The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €256K below the 2023 budget. This saving, together with an additional €733K of revenue above the 2023 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, has resulted in an Excess Fee Income reduction of €989K against the 2025 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost.  

Most fees have increased by 4.5% due to inflation of 4.1% and the DSB Board’s approval of incremental activities which were supported during the annual industry consultation process.  The Search Only API user fee was increased as a result of the 2023 annual industry consultation.

The tables below show the breakdown of the 2025 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost upon which the 2025 annual user fees were calculated and includes the 20% margin for financial sustainability:

Category (Recurring)DescriptionAmount
Technology & Operations Operation of the DSB platform including technical and asset class support€9,497K
ManagementSenior management team including MD and MSP management team€1,246K
AdministrationAdministrative costs and overheads such as office space, travel and expenses and administrative support functions€1,698K
External consultantsExternal oversight, legal, professional & stakeholder outreach€361K
Previous Year Operating Expenditure AdjustmentExcess Fee Income reduction based on the DSB Statutory Accounts 2023-€989K
Total €11,813K
Category (Time-Limited)DescriptionAmount
Build Costs / CapexAmortization of build costs 2020-2024€706K
Total €706K

Build Costs / Capex Amortisation Analysis

DSB Build Costs / Capital Expenditure (Capex) are amortised over 4 years, starting from the year after the service/functionality goes live, as approved via industry consultation. On this basis, Build Costs are funded by the DSB’s financial sustainability margin with 25% of the cost incorporated into the cost basis for the four years following build of the service/functionality. Build Costs are based on the known evolution of the service which is driven by industry consultation. Therefore, Build Costs / Capex for 2026 onwards will be provided when details are known. The below table provides an overview of the consolidated amortisation for the period 2020-2024:

Amortisation AnalysisEstimate 2025Forecast 2026Forecast 2027Forecast 2028Forecast 2029
Amortisation of Build Costs/CapEx€706K€710K€315K€213K€39
Amortisation of build costs 2021€35K    
Amortisation of build costs 2022€395K€395K   
Amortisation of build costs 2023€102K€102K€102K  
Amortisation of build costs 2024€174K€174K€174K€174K 
Amortisation of build costs 2025 €39K€39K€39K€39K

The 2023 Capex figures differ from the prior year table due to unused Capex budget. 

2024 Fee Model Variables:

The DSB currently provides access to OTC ISIN data to more than 600 organisations, across 33 jurisdictions of which 71% consume the data free of charge. Fee paying user numbers reflect a small reduction in Power Users since October 2022, with 131 fee paying users as of 4 October 2023. The below Fee Model Variables table will be updated quarterly:

2024 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost 

Fee VariableValues as at 4 Oct 2023 Values as at 31 Dec 2023Values as at 31 Mar 2024

Values as at 30 Jun 2024

Estimated Total DSB Cost  €11.79m€11.79m €11.79m€11.79m
Number of Infrequent Users 42 495155
Number of Standard Users 11 1111 11
Number of Search Only API Users 510 12
Number of Power Users 72 7474 74
Number of UAT Only Users 1 11 1

Annual user fees recover the DSB overhead costs which include a 20% margin for financial sustainability. The 2024 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost reflects the normal and expected yearly adjustments, such as inflation. 

In accordance with the DSB Charges Policy, Excess Fee Income resulting from additional contracts as well as operating cost efficiencies, go to defraying the OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost for the contract year following the audited statutory accounts. 

The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €600K below the 2022 budget. This saving, together with an additional €118K of revenue above the 2022 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, has resulted in an Excess Fee Income reduction of €718K against the 2024 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost.  

The number of new trading venues and upgrades throughout 2023 is greater than the number of trading venues closed however, some Power users have downgraded to the Search Only User type resulting in a net reduction of 1 Power user.  

The tables below show the breakdown of the 2024 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost upon which the 2024 annual user fees were calculated and includes the 20% margin for financial sustainability: 

Category (Recurring)DescriptionAmount
Technology & Operations Operation of the DSB platform including technical and asset class support€9,039K
ManagementSenior management team including MD, MSP management team and CFO€1,263K
AdministrationAdministrative costs and overheads such as office space, travel and expenses and administrative support functions€1,121K
External consultantsExternal oversight, legal, professional & stakeholder outreach€498K
Previous Year Operating Expenditure AdjustmentExcess Fee Income reduction based on the DSB Statutory Accounts 2022-€718K
Total €11,202K
Category (Time-Limited)DescriptionAmount
Build Costs / CapexAmortization of build costs 2020-2023€590K
Total €590K

Build Costs / Capex Amortisation Analysis

DSB Build Costs / Capital Expenditure (Capex) are amortised over 4 years, starting from the year after the service/functionality goes live, as approved via industry consultation. On this basis, Build Costs are funded by the DSB’s financial sustainability margin with 25% of the cost incorporated into the cost basis for the four years following build of the service/functionality. Build Costs are based on the known evolution of the service which is driven by industry consultation. Therefore, Build Costs / Capex for 2025 onwards will be provided when details are known. The below table provides an overview of the consolidated amortisation for the period 2020-2024: 

Amortisation AnalysisEstimate 2024Forecast 2025Forecast 2026Forecast 2027Forecast 2028
Amortisation of Build Costs/CapEx€590K€711K€675K€281K€174K
Amortisation of build costs 2020€54K    
Amortisation of build costs 2021€35K€35K   
Amortisation of build costs 2022€395K€395K€395K  
Amortisation of build costs 2023€106K€106K€106K€106K 
Amortisation of build costs 2024 €174K€174K€174K€174K

The 2021, 2022 and 2023 Capex figures differ from the prior year table due to Board agreed rollover from 2021 to 2022 and another rollover from 2022 to 2023.  

2023 Fee Model Variables: 

The DSB currently provides access to OTC ISIN data to more than 500 organisations, across 33 jurisdictions, of which 70% consume the data free of charge. Fee paying user numbers reflect a reduction in Power Users since October 2021, with 124 fee paying users as of 5 October 2022. 

2023 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost 

Fee VariableValues as at 5 Oct 2022Values as at 31 Dec 2022Values as at 31 Mar 2023Values as at 30 Jun 2023
Estimated Total DSB Cost  €11.55m€11.55m€11.55m€11.55m
Number of Infrequent Users 40404141
Number of Standard Users 10101111
Number of Search Only API Users 1122
Number of Power Users 73737475
Number of UAT Only Users N/AN/AN/A1

Annual user fees recover the DSB overhead costs which include a 20% margin for financial sustainability. The 2023 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost reflects the normal and expected yearly adjustments, such as inflation, in addition to service evolution activity resulting from the 2022 industry annual consultation process, such as proceeding with the Global Agile Architecture two-year programme of work, undertaking a detailed review of the DSB’s enterprise tooling estate, improving the GUI search utility, supporting CFI retrieval through the GUI and achieving savings with the removal of the VPN connectivity option. 

In accordance with the DSB Charges Policy, Excess Fee Income resulting from additional contracts as well as operating cost efficiencies, go to defraying the OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost for the contract year following the audited statutory accounts. 

The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €333K below the 2021 budget. This saving, together with an additional €471K of revenue above the 2021 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, has resulted in an Excess Fee Income reduction of €804K against the 2023 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost. 

The reduction of 6 Power Users, primarily due to closure of MTF/OTF market operations and a lower Excess Fee Income combined with lower capital expenditure applied in 2023 compared to 2022, has impacted the outcome of user fees for 2023, resulting in an annual fee increase. 

The tables below show the breakdown of the 2023 OTC ISIN Forecast Total DSB Cost upon which the 2023 annual user fees were calculated and includes the 20% margin for financial sustainability: 

Category (Recurring)DescriptionAmount
Technology & Operations Operation of the DSB platform including technical and asset class support€8,604K
ManagementSenior management team including MD, MSP management team and CFO€1,321K
AdministrationAdministrative costs and overheads such as office space, travel and expenses and administrative support functions€1,193K
External consultantsExternal oversight, legal, professional & stakeholder outreach€498K
Previous Year Operating Expenditure AdjustmentExcess Fee Income reduction based on the DSB Statutory Accounts 2021-€804K
Total €10,812K
Category (Time-Limited)DescriptionAmount
Build Costs / CapexAmortization of build costs 2020-2023€743K
Total €743K

Build Costs / Capex Amortisation Analysis

DSB Build Costs / Capital Expenditure (Capex) are amortized over 4 years, starting from the year after the service/functionality goes live, as approved via industry consultation. On this basis, Build Costs are funded by the DSB’s financial sustainability margin with 25% of the cost incorporated into the cost basis for the four years following build of the service/functionality. Build Costs are based on the known evolution of the service which is driven by industry consultation. Therefore, Build Costs / Capex for 2024 onwards will be provided when details are known. The below table provides an overview of the consolidated amortisation for the period 2019-2023: 

Amortisation AnalysisEstimate 2023Forecast 2024Forecast 2025Forecast 2026Forecast 2027
Amortisation of Build Costs/CapEx€743K€621K€568K€461K€75K
Amortisation of build costs 2019€196K    
Amortisation of build costs 2020€54K€54K   
Amortisation of build costs 2021€107K€107K€107K  
Amortisation of build costs 2022€386K€386K€386K€386K 
Amortisation of build costs 2023 €75K€75K€75K€75K

The 2021 Capex figures differ from the prior year table due to a Board agreed Capex amount moving to 2022, therefore reducing the amortisation charge. This, together with an additional Board agreed Capex expenditure in 2022, has resulted in higher amortised charges than previously stated for 2022. 

2022 Fee Model Variables:

The DSB currently provides access to OTC ISIN data to more than 500 organisations, across 33 jurisdictions, of which 75% consume the data free of charge. Fee paying user numbers have remained broadly stable since December 2020, with 129 fee paying users as of 1 October 2021. 

2022 Estimated Total DSB Cost

Fee VariableValue as at 5 Oct 2021Values as at 31 Dec 2021Values as at 31 Mar 2022Values as at 30 Jun 2022Expected values as at 5 Oct 22 *
Estimated Total DSB Cost€9.46€9.46€9.46€9.46tbc
Number of Infrequent Users4041414540
Number of Standard Users1110101010
Number of Search Only API Users00001
Number of Power Users7879797973

  * For 2023 Fee Calculation

Annual user fees recover the DSB overhead costs which include a 20% margin for financial sustainability. The DSB 2022 Estimated Total DSB Cost reflects the normal and expected yearly adjustments, such as inflation, in addition to service evolution activity resulting from the 2021 industry annual consultation process, such as review of DSB cloud infrastructure development and analysis on the implementation of a Security Operations Centre.

In accordance with the DSB Charges Policy, Excess Fee Income resulting from additional contracts as well as operating cost efficiencies, go to defraying the Estimated Total DSB Cost for the contract year following the audited statutory accounts.

The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €693K below the 2020 budget. This saving, together with an additional €424K of revenue above the 2020 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, has resulted in an Excess Fee Income reduction of €1,117K against the 2022 Estimated Total DSB Cost. Additionally, there is also a decrease in amortisation and financing costs reflecting the initial build costs having been fully depreciated and start-up loans and loan interest fully repaid.

The tables below show the breakdown of the 2022 Estimated Total DSB Cost upon which the 2022 annual user fees were calculated and includes the 20% margin for financial sustainability:

Category (Recurring)DescriptionAmount
Technology & Operations Operation of the DSB platform including technical and asset class support€7,694K
ManagementSenior management team including MD, MSP management team and CFO€872K
AdministrationAdministrative costs and overheads such as office space, travel and expenses and administrative support functions€994K
External consultantsExternal oversight, legal, professional & stakeholder outreach€510K
Previous Year Operating Expenditure AdjustmentExcess Fee Income reduction based on the DSB Statutory Accounts 2020-€1,117K
Total €8,953K
Category (Time-Limited)DescriptionAmount
Build Costs / CapexAmortization of build costs 2016-2019€511K
Total €511K

Build Costs / Capex Amortisation Analysis

DSB Build Costs / Capital Expenditure (Capex) are amortized over 4 years, starting from the year after the service/functionality goes live, as approved via industry consultation. On this basis, Build Costs are funded by the DSB’s financial sustainability margin with 25% of the cost incorporated into the cost basis for the four years following build of the service/functionality. Build Costs are based on the known evolution of the service which is driven by industry consultation. Therefore, Build Costs / Capex for 2023 onwards will be provided when details are known. The below table provides an overview of the consolidated amortisation for the period 2018-2021:

Amortisation AnalysisEstimate 2022Forecast 2023Forecast 2024Forecast 2025Forecast 2026
Amortisation of Build Costs/CapEx€511K€679K€482K€429K€257K
   Amortisation of build costs 2018€89K    
   Amortisation of build costs 2019€196K€196K   
   Amortisation of build costs 2020€54K€54K€54K  
   Amortisation of build costs 2021€172K€172K€172K€172K 
   Amortisation of build costs 2022 €257K€257K€257K€257K

2021 Fee Model Variables:
The DSB currently provides access to OTC ISIN data to more than 500 organisations, across 33 jurisdictions, of which 75% consume the data free of charge. Following user feedback, the fee model determination period was brought forward from December to October to better align with users’ budgetary processes.

Fee paying user numbers have remained broadly stable since December 2019, with 124 fee paying users as of 5 October 2020.

Fee VariableValue as at 5 Oct 2020Values as at 31 Dec 2020Values as at 31 Mar 2021Values as at 30 Jun 2021
Estimated Total DSB Cost€10.49m€10.49m€10.49m€10.49m
Number of Infrequent Users38394244
Number of Standard Users11111111
Number of Power Users75777779

2021 Estimated Total DSB Cost

Annual user fees recover the DSB overhead costs which include a 20% margin for financial sustainability. The DSB 2021 Estimated Total DSB Cost reflects the normal and expected yearly adjustments, such as inflation, in addition to service evolution activity resulting from the 2020 industry annual consultation process. This includes functionality to support new user types for read only API and bespoke data downloads. Additional infrastructure costs are also included to support the UK ToTV service following Brexit.

In accordance with the DSB Charges Policy, Excess Fee Income resulting from additional contracts as well as operating cost efficiencies, go to defraying the Estimated Total DSB Cost for the contract year following the audited statutory accounts.

The DSB’s continued focus on cost-efficiency has resulted in operating expenditure of €168K below the 2019 budget. This saving, together with an additional €254K of revenue above the 2019 revenue expectations, due to intra-year new user agreements, has resulted in an Excess Fee Income reduction of €422K

The tables below show the breakdown of the 2021 Estimated Total DSB Cost upon which the 2021 annual user fees were calculated and include the 20% margin for financial sustainability:

Category (Recurring)DescriptionAmount
Technology & Operations Operation of the DSB platform including technical and asset class support€7,001K
ManagementSenior management team including MD, MSP management team and CFO€840K
AdministrationAdministrative costs and overheads such as office space, travel and expenses and administrative support functions€950K
External consultantsExternal oversight, legal, professional & stakeholder outreach€510K
Previous Year Operating Expenditure AdjustmentExcess Fee Income reduction based on the DSB Statutory Accounts 2019-€422K
Total €8,879K
Category (Time-Limited)DescriptionAmount
Build Costs / CapexAmortization of build costs 2016-2019€1,553K
Financing costStart-up loan interest costs repaid over 4 years€60K
Total €1,613K

2020 Fee Model Variables:
The DSB currently provides access to OTC ISIN data for more than 470 organisations, across 33 jurisdictions, of which 70% consume the data free of charge. Fee paying user numbers have remained broadly stable since December 2018, with 122 fee paying users in December 2019.

Moving into its third year of operations, the DSB 2020 Total DSB Cost Forecast reflects the normal and expected yearly adjustments such as inflation, as well as uplift related to industry approved services from 2019 such as a second UAT environment which includes the related ongoing maintenance and operational costs, additional capital expenditure amortization costs which remain in line with forecasts, support for stakeholder education activities to continue the commitment to data alignment and workflow efficiency, as well as additional research and analysis requested by industry during the annual consultation process.

Fee Variable2020 Value as at 2 Dec 2019Values as at 31st Mar 2020Values as at 30th Jun 2020
Total DSB Cost Forecast€10.16m€10.16m€10.16m
Number of Infrequent Users374141
Number of Standard Users121212
Number of Power Users737475

2020 Estimated Total DSB Cost 

Annual user fees recover the DSB overhead costs. The tables below show the breakdown of the 2020 Total DSB Cost Forecast upon which the 2020 annual user fees were calculated.

Excess revenues resulting from additional contracts and operating cost efficiencies go to defraying the Total DSB Cost Forecast for the next contract year. Costs include a 20% margin for financial sustainability:

Category (Recurring)DescriptionAmount
Technology & Operations Operation of the DSB platform including technical and asset class support€7,109K
ManagementSenior management team including MD, MSP management team and CFO€975K
AdministrationAdministrative costs and overheads such as office space, travel and expenses and administrative support functions€894K
External consultantsExternal oversight, legal, professional & stakeholder outreach€555K
Previous Year Operating Expenditure AdjustmentExcess Fee Income reduction based on the DSB Statutory Accounts 2018-€1,108K
Total €8,425K
Category (Time-Limited)DescriptionAmount
Build Costs / CapexAmortization of build costs 2016-2019€1,498K
Financing costStart-up loan interest costs repaid over 4 years€240K
Total €1,738K

2019 Fee Model Variables:

Fee Variable2019 Value as at 3 Dec 2018Values as at 31st Mar 2019Values as at 30th Jun 2019Values as at 30th Sep 2019
Total DSB Cost Forecast€9.14m€9.14m€9.14m€9.14m
Number of Infrequent Users29323437
Number of Standard Users12121212
Number of Power Users73747575

2018 Fee Model Variables:

Fee Variable2018 Value as at 5 Jan 2018
Estimated Total DSB Cost€9.2m
Number of Infrequent Users15
Number of Standard Users10
Number of Power Users78