
DSB plan for end of the UK transition period on 31 December 2020

ToTV users interested in UK data after the end of UK transition period should take note of the below impact to ToTV v2 (containing both UK and EU27 data).

ToTV users that do not require UK data, can continue using the DSB ESMA ToTV/uToTV service (ToTV v1). Please see full details on ToTV v1 impact here.

Production Environment:

The DSB will be enabling ToTV v2 (API) in Production on 1 January 2021 in preparation to first FCA data made available on 2 January 2021.

From 3 January 2021 the users will be able to query ToTV v2 records in DSB Production GUI, and download ToTV v2 data from

The following table presents a summary of the key dates/events for DSB Production environment below:

FIRDS and FITRS in maintenance
ToTV v2 (API) enabled in Prod
All active ESMA instruments up to 31 December 2020: FIRDS – UK and EU 27 data, FITRS – UK data only
ToTV v2 (GUI) enabled in Prod

ToTV v2 contains FCA data from previous day*
ToTV v2 contains FCA data from previous day*
FIRDS and FITRS delta files
ToTV v2 contains FCA data from previous day*
ToTV v2 contains FCA data from previous day*
ToTV v2 contains FCA data from previous day*
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
ToTV v2 contains FCA data from previous day*
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
8-Jan – 10-Jan
ToTV v2 contains FCA and ESMA data from previous day*
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
ToTV v2 contains FCA and ESMA data from previous day*
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
ToTV v2 contains FCA and ESMA data from previous day*
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)
FIRDS and FITRS files (BAU)

Previous day is between 9am UTC T-1 to 9am UTC T-0.

UAT Environment:

As a reminder, ToTV V2 is currently operational in UAT and based of the FCA test data.

The FCA will stop publishing test data from 16 December 2020.

ToTV v2 will continue to be available in UAT for user testing and will continue to contain ESMA data as well as DSB ISIN data, but no FCA data since 16 December 2020 as FCA test environments will be closed.

The following table provides a summary of the key dates/events for DSB UAT environment below:



ToTV v2 contains FCA and ESMA data from previous day*
17-Dec – 31 Dec
ToTV v2 contains ESMA data from previous day*
31-Dec EoD
ToTV v2 contains no data
FIRDS and FITRS in maintenance
ToTV v2 contains DSB ISIN only*
ToTV v2 contains DSB ISIN only*
All active ESMA instruments up to 31 December 2020: FIRDS – UK and EU 27 data, FITRS – UK data only
ToTV v2 contains FCA data from previous day* – UAT mirrors Production

*Previous day is between 9am UTC T-1 to 9am UTC T-0.


The DSB will remove all ToTV v2 FDL files in UAT on 31 December after 20:30 GMT.

On 1 -2 January ToTV v2 files will only contain DSB ISIN data.

From 3 January, UAT will contain first FCA data and will mirror Production.


Novating your legal agreement + migrating and/or setting up new connections to support Brexit Contingency Planning

For Power Users:

A.   Novation by Existing Users:

  1. Where an existing user wishes to transfer their Access and Usage Agreement to another/new legal entity, users should download, complete and return a novation deed to DSB Client Admin
  2. If no changes are required to existing technical connectivity (including email domain names, IP addresses, connectivity type such Internet/VPN/BT Radianz/etc., API Type) then the DSB requires at least 5 working days processing time following signature of the Novation Deed by both parties (the DSB and the User)
  3. In the event technical changes are required to support the novation process, please contact the DSB Technical Support team as early as possible as readiness will be subject to the nature of the change to be supported and the pipeline of existing users with similar requests
  1. At minimum, users will need to provide all the technical change details (including email domain names, IP addresses, connectivity type such Internet/VPN/BT Radianz, API Type) by downloading, completing and returning the Production Registration Form to the DSB Technical Support Team
  2. FIX users with changes to the version and/or binary of the application being used has been changed since the date of last certification with the DSB will require re-certification of their FIX connections
  3. Requests will be handled in the order in which they are received and the DSB will work to support the users’ needs to the extent feasible
  4. The DSB will provide a timeline on a case by case basis, with readiness requiring additional time depending on the user’s specific needs. Please note that may vary based on the processing time required to fulfil user requests as the DSB processes these in order in which they are received
  5. Once all legal and technical requirements are completed, novation will take effect from the start of business on the Sunday (after the DSB’s regular weekly downtime).

B.    Users seeking to execute additional/new Agreements:

    1. Where an institution requires connectivity via a new legal agreement, the standard onboarding process will be followed. User must first complete the DSB Usage and Access Agreement and return it to DSB Client Admin for onward processing
    2. Users must also complete and return the relevant technical details using the forms available for UAT Registration and for Production Registration to the DSB Technical Support team to initiate the technical integration process
    3. Please note that users requiring FIX connectivity will need to complete the FIX certification process, details of which are available here
    4. In accordance with DSB policies, users are typically able to test their connectivity in UAT within 5-7 working days for all API connections
    5. With respect to full Production readiness, users will need to have completed FIX certification (FIX Users only) and both the DSB, and the user will need to have signed the DSB Access and Usage Agreement before final production credentials will become available
    6. The DSB usually attempts to complete this process within 5 working days but please note that timelines may vary significantly based on the user’s needs and the processing time required to fulfil user requests
    7. Requests will be handled in the order in which they are received and the DSB will work to support the users’ needs to the extent feasible

For Infrequent, Standard and Registered Users:

  1. The DSB is able to support users wishing to upgrade their user type
  2. Users seeking to change their User Type should complete the DSB Usage and Access Agreement and return it to DSB Client Admin for onward processing
  3. Users seeking to set up connectivity as a Power User should refer to the Steps set out in (B) above
  4. Users seeking to upgrade their GUI interface should complete and return the relevant technical details using the forms available for UAT and for Production to the DSB Technical Support team to initiate the technical upgrade process
  5. Requests are typically processed within 5 working days once both the DSB, and the user will have signed the DSB Access and Usage Agreement
  6. Requests will be handled in the order in which they are received and the DSB will work to support the users’ needs to the extent feasible