

DateEventHosted bySlidesAdditional Materials
30 April 2025Introduction to UPI Webinar: CanadaDSB
20 March 2025Data Management Summit LondonA Team Insight
20 March 2025DTCC RDS Virtual Forum: Are You Ready for the HKMA Rewrite? DTCC
19 March 2025DSB Introduction to UPI Webinar with Korean InterpretationDSB
18 March 2025Trade & Transaction Reporting SummitInfoline
13 March 2025Regulatory Reporting 2025 – Strategic Insight into EMIR and MiFIRKaizen & LSEG Post Trade
23 January 2025UK Transaction Reporting for OTC derivatives – DP24/2: What are the options?DSB with FCA guest speakerAccompanying slidesWritten Q&A
14 November 2024International Financial Standards ConferenceWM Datenservice and ANNA
6 November 2024EMIR Refit Forum: Exploring the adoption, implementation and change management of required data standardsInfoline
22 October 2024Trade & Transaction Reporting Nordics 2024Infoline
3 October 2024RegTech Summit London: EMIR Refit – Lessons learned and outstanding challengesRegTech
26 September 2024Data Management Summit: NYC
A-Team Insight
25 September 2024Asia Risk Congress:
10 September 2024Delta Capita EMIR REFIT (EU & UK) RountableDelta Capita
30 July 2024Introducing the Unique Product Identifier (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) DSBAccompanying slidesPlay Recording
18 July 2024How to maximise the use of data standards and identifiers beyond compliance and in the interests of the businessA-Team Insight
3 July 2024European Commission’s new draft Delegated Regulation on OTC derivatives identifying reference data for transparency: Implementation Considerations DSBAccompanying slidesPlay Recording
3 July 2024Introducing the Unique Product Identifier (Japan) DSBJapanese translated materialsPlay Recording
27 June 2024Trade and Transaction Reporting – Presentation: Assessing consistency of UPIs following EMIR refit Infoline
20 June 2024European Commission’s new draft Delegated Regulation on OTC derivatives identifying reference data for transparency: An Introduction DSBAccompanying slidesPlay Recording
21 May 2024DTCC RDS APAC Virtual Forum DTCC
10th April 2024Upcoming EU UPI Launch – ESMA and ECB Q&A DSBAccompanying slidesPlay Recording
5th March 2024The importance of maintaining data quality Trade and Transaction Reporting
27th February 2024Madrid Client Event: Unique Product IdentifierREGIS-TR
17th January 2024Upcoming US UPI Launch – CFTC and SEC Q&A DSBAccompanying slidesPlay Recording
29th November 2023Here Comes The Unique Product Identifier (UPI) ISDA
16th November 2023Panel: How to build a flexible and agile reporting platform to meet future requirements RegTech Summit New York
26th October 2023Unique Product Identifier (UPI)REGIS-TR
20th October 2023Workshop on building a common data dictionary in EU financial services European Commission
19th October 2023An update on data standards and global identifiers Data Management Insight A-Team Group
5th October 2023Panel: Leveraging RegTech for EMIR Refit A-Team RegTech Summit London
4th October 2023DSB UPI FAQ WebinarDSBDSB’s Slides
DSB UPI FAQ webinar Q&A responses
Play Recording
28th September 2023Panel: How to create a flexible and agile data management platform to respond to evolving regulations, effective risk management and business decision makingA-Team Data Management Summit New York
12th September 2023How can you successfully prepare for the upcoming UPI mandates Smartstream
18th April 2023DSB UPI UAT Launch Webinar DSBLinkRecording
10th November 2021UPI Legal Terms and Conditions Consultation webinarDSBDSB’s slidesRecording
9th November 2021UPI Legal Terms and Conditions Consultation webinarDSBDSB’s slidesRecording
8th June 2021Joint ROC-DSB UPI update #2
ROC-DSBFinal agenda, DSB’s slidesRecording
25th May 2021Joint ROC-DSB UPI update #1ROC-DSBFinal agenda, DSB’s slides, HKMA’s slidesRecording
3rd February 2021UPI Fee Model Consultation webinarDSBRecording and slides
2nd February 2021UPI Fee Model Consultation webinarDSBRecording and slides


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