Floating Rate Indices

What is the process to making FRO values available? The DSB sources the list of Floating Rate Indices and Inflation Indices from FpML*, specifically the following

ISIN Prefix Values

Any ISINs with a two-letter prefix of XA, XB, XC and XD are assigned by substitute numbering agencies to cover cases where an NNA exists in

Product Template Use

Question: I’m unsure of the product template I should use, what should I do? Answer: Unfortunately, the DSB is not in a position to confirm which

ISIN Not Available

In the event that the user does not have an ISIN to use for a standard product template then “Other” should be employed, for example if

Equity Total Return Swap

Posted on 2nd July 2024 Users wishing to generate or retrieve a UPI for an Equity Total Return Swap are advised to use the Price Return Basic

Support for Alternative Underliers

The UPI Service supports the use of alternative identifiers for equity and fixed income underliers. For other underliers, e.g., indices and reference rates underliers, the UPI


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