Governance Advisory Committee (GAC)

Enabling industry participants to consider matters of governance and provide advice and make recommendations to the DSB Board

The DSB Governance Advisory Committee (GAC) is an industry group that works beside the Board of the Derivatives Service Bureau. The role of the GAC is to enable industry participants to provide advice and make recommendations to the DSB Board on matters related to governance, risk and compliance to ensure the continued success of the DSB in providing the best possible service to the industry as a whole.

The GAC may, in the course of its duties make its own proposals for subsequent review and comment by the DSB and where required, for broader industry consultation. The areas on which the GAC will advise include, but is not limited to (for both the UPI and ISIN Services where appropriate):

  • User Subscription terms and Policies
  • Cost Recovery Fee Model Structures
  • Strategic positioning of the DSB
  • Control frameworks used by the DSB e.g. threshold monitoring, breach handling.

The work of the GAC is intended to represent and balance the interests of market participants, policy makers and regulators and be sensitive to financial market and geographic considerations.

Determinations of actions to be taken and policy to be expressed with respect to the reports and/or recommendations of the GAC shall be made solely by the DSB Board.

The GAC Charter aims to define the objectives, procedures and operations of the GAC including any related Subcommittees.  Links to the Charter and to the membership application form are available on this page. Membership is encouraged from all participants in the OTC Derivatives Market in line with the GAC Charter.

Links to minutes of the meetings of the Governance Advisory Committee (and any sub committees or working groups) and any associated documentation will be available on this page.

Further information about the mission, membership and operations of the GAC may found in the GAC charter.


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