DSB Governance

The DSB, founded by the Association of National Numbering Agencies, established the DSB Product Committee (DSB PC) consisting of Industry and Regulatory representatives to manage and

DSB Scope

The DSB is responsible for generating ISIN, CFI & FISN for OTC Swaps, Non-Listed Options and Forwards traded or submitted to trading on an EU trading

DSB Documentation

The DSB has made a large amount of documentation publicly available on our GitHub or the DSB Section of the ANNA website. The background of the

User Categories

The DSB’s Final Fee model outlining the model, user categories and associated privileges and costs is published here Full fee details are also available in the


It is possible to connect via the GUI or programmatically via FIX SPI or ReST API for real-time, on demand ISIN creation & retrieval. It is

How to access DSB data

At this time, there are six scenarios for consumption of DSB data: Users get the DSB ISIN and associated product attributes from the counterparty to the


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