
It is possible to connect via the GUI or programmatically via FIX SPI or ReST API for real-time, on demand ISIN creation & retrieval. It is

How to access DSB data

At this time, there are six scenarios for consumption of DSB data: Users get the DSB ISIN and associated product attributes from the counterparty to the

CFI Code

Every valid ISIN request submitted to the DSB will be returned with the CFI code as part of the ISIN record. The CFI code is constructed

Relaxing of Acceptable use caps

The primary focus of the DSB has been to ensure market participants can meet their regulatory obligations to create OTC-ISINs as and when a new instrument

FX Type

The Bank of International Settlement – Triennial Central Bank Survey September 2016 was used to determine the classification of G8 currency pairs as FXMJ, Non-G8 currency

Offshore currencies

The DSB has adopted the ISO Currency Code list (ISO 4217) for all currency attributes. To accommodate offshore currencies, the DSB has introduced ‘Place of Settlement’


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